Explore Our Ranch
Registered Seedstock
Bull Pen
Here you will find available Registered Seedstock Gelbvieh, Balancer, and Angus Bulls. All of our Bulls are DNA tested to confirm parentage and provide enhanced EPDs so the buyer can rest assured they are indeed getting the Genetics they are paying for. All bulls will be up to date on their vaccinations, and get a BSE test shortly after they are 1 year old so these boys are ready to go to work for you today!
Female offerings
Unfortunately, we cant keep them all. Our Females will come from a long line of Proven Medium Framed Black cows offering some of the best Maternal Genetics in the industry. We focus on good udders, feet, calving ease, and disposition. Rest assured if they don't, you wont find those here. You will find those under the "Meat offerings" tab. Take a look and you will see any of these females would add value to any herd!